Mrs. Audrey Williams williau@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us
Course Description: This course introduces the fundamental theory and practices of the cosmetology profession. Emphasis will be places on professional practices and safety. Topics include: state and local laws, rules and regulations, professional image, bacteriology, decontamination and infection control, chemistry fundamentals, safety Hazardous Duty standards Act Compliance, and various types of equipment. This course introduces the chemistry and chemical reaction of permanent wave solutions and relaxers. Topics include: permanent wave techniques, chemical relaxer techniques, chemistry, physical and chemical charge, safety procedures, and permanent wave and chemical relaxer application procedures on mannequins. Included is an introduction to theory, procedures, and products used in the carte and treatment of the skin, scalp and hair. Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills in basic corrective hair and scalp treatments, plain facials, products and supplies, diseases and disorders, and safety precautions. Students will earn credit hours toward the comp0letion of the 1500 credit hours required by Georgia State Board of Cosmetology. In addition, this course offers the possibility of meeting articulation alignment with the technical college standards. This course provides more in-depth competencies for the co-curricular student organization SkillsUSA and presents integral components that should be incorporated throughout instructional strategies developed for the course.
Curriculum: Students are required to meet the Georgia Performance Standards for Salon Services. A copy of the standards can be found at www.georgiastandards.com.
Students will be given a copy of the standards to keep in their notebooks
Milady Standard Textbook of Cosmetology
Milady Standard Theory Workbook
Milady Standard Practical/Workbook
Materials Needed:
- Pencils, blue or black pens, and notebook paper
- Three ring binder
- Textbook required unless otherwise instructed
- Nailbrush
- Manikin if possible
Classroom Behavior:
- Treat Others as you wish to be treated
- DO NOT disrupt the teaching, learning process.
- Be here on time and ready to learn!
- Respect others feelings and property.
- No eating or drinking in class.
- No one is allowed in the lab in open toe shoes.
Attendance: Students are expected to attend class and be here on time each day. All RCBOE policies and procedures will be strictly enforced. Please refer to the RCBOE and the CCHS Student Handbooks.
Summative Assessment: ALL SUMMETIVE ASSESSMENTS (i.e. tests, projects, papers, etc.) must be completed! Failure to demonstrate mastery through summative assessments will be handled on an individual basis using re-assignment contracts. Re-assignment and or/completion contracts must be signed by the student, teacher, and parent/guardian before the work will be accepted.
Academic Honesty: You are expected to do your own work and apply yourself at all times. Cheating or dishonest academic behavior (plagiarism, using “online essays, etc.) will be punished to the fullest extent based on school, county, and state policies and procedures. Your work is valuable; so, let me see what YOU can do.
Grading: Students will be graded on evidence of mastery of the Georgia Performance Standards. Summative assessments will be weighed heavily in each category. Process reports will be sent home every 4.5 weeks. Feedback will also be given on some formative assessments, but not graded.
- 25% - Daily Grade
- Theory
- Student Participation
- 25% - Notebook
- All Test
- Class & Lab Rules
- Other Assignments
- 25 – Lab Work
- Practical Work
- Student Lab Participation
- 25% - Test
- Written and Practical
Major Course Projects: Portfolio/Style Book. Students will create a style book, using the techniques learned in the semester. Seven styles for the first semester and seven styles for the second semester.
Website visitation: Please refer to the Class schedule calendar of weekly lesson plans and assignments.
I acknowledge the receipt of the syllabus and have read the contents.
Student Signature:
Parent Signature: