
    Dear Parent(s) or Guardian,


    It is a pleasure and honor to introduce myself to you.  My name is Dr. Marshall, and I am excited about teaching your child this year.  I received a Masters of Teaching degree from Augusta State University in 2007, and I have been teaching for 16 years.  My received my Doctorate in Curriculum and Teaching practices in 2021


    I will be instructing your children and my students in 8th grade Physical Science, all students who successfully complete this class will receive 1 high school credit. I hope to improve your child’s study skills along the way so that they will be successful long after leaving Spirit Creek to hopefully pursue a degree in higher education.  To achieve this goal, we have to set high expectations for our students.   I expect my students to follow the classroom, team, and school rules that have been previously established.  Due to my military background, I am a stickler for discipline without which there can be no learning.  To this end, I have set some common-sense rules of respect and discipline that I will cover with my students during the first few weeks.


    I will follow along the guidelines that have been set forward by the school when addressing any rules violations.  I believe that most situations can be solved with teacher/student counseling, but for repeated violations Spirit Creek has established the following consequences for repeated offense:

                1) The 1st offense results in a warning/call to parent

                2) The 2nd offense results in a team meeting with student/call to parent

                3) The 3rd offense results in referral to guidance/possible referral

                4) The 4th offense results in discipline review panel (Team, Parents, Student,

                     Intervention Specialist, and Resource Officer)/letter sent home

                5) The 5th offense will result in an office referral.


    Also, it is imperative that each student attends school regularly and come prepared to learn.  All students will be responsible for any missed work.  A student will have ample time to make up any assignments.  I believe that every child is capable of learning and fulfilling his or her own potential. FAILURE is not an option. It is my goal to provide every student with an environment that is conducive to learning at a higher order thinking level. I use homework sparingly but utilize class work and home readings to further a deeper understanding of the material.  While I might not give homework, every student is expected to review the day’s material learned in class that day.  This will allow them the opportunity to present probing questions in class on any material that they are unable to explain to YOU.  Yes, I need your help to ensure that your child understands the material.  If they can’t explain it to you, they will probably be unable to demonstrate to me an understanding of the material.  I welcome all questions and extend to you an open invitation to come sit with us whenever you are available.  We will endeavor to reach our goal as a team because without your help, my task is next to impossible.


    Here are my grading scales along with the school grading policy:


    Grading Scale

    Summative Assessments -    Tests -                          40%

    Projects -                     40%

    Formative Assessments -      Homework/Quizzes - 10%

    Notebook -                   10% 


    Grading Policy

    A = 90 - 100

    B = 80 - 89

    C = 75 - 79

    D = 70 - 74

    F = 69 - below


    Please feel free to contact me via email or phone if you have any questions or concerns.  I will communicate via email, telephone, and notes that will be sent home by the student.  Also, please review over the rules, consequences, and classroom procedures with your child and sign and return the bottom portion of this letter. It is my hope to talk with you and meet you this school year.  I am looking forward to working with and your child.





    Dr. C. J. Marshall

    8th Grade Physical Science and 7th Grade SS

    Spirit Creek Middle School

    Phone: (706 592-3987

    E-mail: marshca@.richmond.k12.ga.us

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