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    Welcome to Mrs. Dixon's Class!

    Robin Dixon
    Email: dixonro@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us
    Grade: 2nd
    Subject(s): All


    Update: 3/20/2020

    Hello all,

    Just as my class dojo message stated yesterday, please do not hesitate to reach out if there are any questions you may have about this at-home learning journey that we have all started.  I am more than happy to help with any questions you may have.  I have noticed that only a few students have logged into i-Ready.  Please make sure that if you do have access to i-Ready, you are logging in and working on the teacher assigned lessons that I have assigned based on each students' individual needs.  There are also some new items on my page.  I added in two pages to help with math (one for 2d shapes and 3d shapes and one for partitioning rectangles).  On the Distance Learning page, I put in a reading choice board.  In addition to all of that, in the Online Resources section I put in the link for Splash Math 2nd grade learning games and our login to our Sadlier From Phonics To Reading program.  I also signed up the whole class for Khan Academy.  Our class code is 3SCKYN3J.  I assigned all math and reading lessons, but they are not due until May 15th.  Under the Announcements you will find the link for Khan Academy.  Parents on dojo, your logins will be sent to you via dojo messenger.  Parents that are not logged in on dojo, I strongly urge you to join.  Starting next week, I will have an additional page that will provide you with lesson materials and a few assignments. 


  • Please remember that as of Tuesday, March 17th all Richmond County Public Schools will be closed until further notice!!  We ask that you follow the county's Distance Learning Program during this time.  Stay safe, take precautions, and we will see you again as soon as they let us know it's safe to return.  


    Update 3/23/2020

    Hello everyone!! 

    We made it through the first week!!   This week I have one power point that will get students through the whole week located on my Distance Learning page.  I know having internet at home to work on is a bit of an issue, so a lot of the assignments are pencil paper, and videos to watch on youtube (because I know most kids have access to internet through phones and tablets), and of course the packets that was intended to last the kids 10 days.  I have also added some new items on the Distance Learning page.  There you will find a new link for Guidance Distance Learning Assignments from our Guidance Counselor, Ms. Moton, to give your family some tips for safety and stress relief during this time.  You will also find another link for Additional ELA Work to be used as enrichment for students who need it; and just in case this distance learning period lasts longer than two weeks.  Those of you that have access to internet which gives you the options of logging into launchpad for i-Ready and First in Math or Khan Academy, please continue using it!  They are amazing resources to keep your children on track with their education.  Remember that the students are expected to complete their regular 30 minutes per subject (Reading and Math) on i-Ready each week.  This will be checked weekly.  In addition, I have assinged specific lessons for students to complete during this time.  These lessons will also be checked.  If your student does not have access to a computer at home, please let me know and I will provide alternate assignments.  Also, Mrs. Suarez wanted you to know that she has updated her teacher webpage and to check it 2-3 times a week as she has more fun art assignments for your child to do at home.  Take a moment and just breathe.  Try not to stress over this work.  I understand that everyone is going through something different during this time.  Please have students to work at their own pace; and do the best that they can to complete the work.  Do not work more than 2-3 hours at a time so that everyone does not get too overwhelmed.  I hope that you all stay safe and healthy during this time.  You all are doing a GREAT JOB!!  Keep on rocking it parents, you're doing great!  Remember to please reach out to me if you need ANY help. 




    Distance Learning Work Calendar 


    RCBOE Link for Distance Learning: 



    To Access iReady click here: 


     Dixon's Dragons




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