Below is a list of Online Resources your students can access at home for supplemental instruction.
LaunchPad - https://launchpad.classlink.com/rcboe
Scholastic Learn at Home - https://classroommagazines.scholastic.com/support/learnathome.html
iReady Learn from Home - A website that contains printables for home learning - The first hyperlink takes you to the overall webpage where you can find work for grades k-8 in reading and math. Scroll to the bottom and find your desired grade. Below the first hyper link, I have attached the information for second grade in the second and third hyper links. The second is math and the third is for ela. If your child got a packet from me and they are in the RTI program, I used some of these resources from the lower grade levels as intervention assignments. Feel free to do the same.
- Math - https://capubstore.blob.core.windows.net/athomepdfs/iready-at-home-activity-packets-student-math-grade-2-2020.pdf
- Reading - https://capubstore.blob.core.windows.net/athomepdfs/iready-at-home-activity-packets-student-ela-grade-2-2020.pdf
Sadlier Learn from Home - To access your FREE eBook Site License for Sadlier School products, log in to Sadlier Connect at:
- https://SadlierConnect.com/@learnfromhomeschool
- Username: SadlierStudent
- Password: ReadyToLearn!
Once logged in, students will need to select the program and grade. The following programs are available as eBooks:
- Sadlier Math, Grades K–6
- Progress in Mathematics, Grades K–8+
- Vocabulary Workshop, Grades 1–12+ (Interactive Edition available)
- From Phonics to Reading, Grades K–3
- Progress English Language Arts, Grades K–8
- Progress Mathematics, Grades K–8
- Sadlier Phonics, Grades K–3
Sadlier Connect - As a reminder, you already have access to online program-specific content on Sadlier Connect at www.SadlierConnect.com
Sadlier School Resources - You can also find more helpful free online resources for English Language Arts and Math, which are not program specific at www.SadlierSchool.com/resources
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt - https://www.hmhco.com/learningsupport
Customers can access
- Engaging videos on our HMH YouTube channel
- Free downloadable resources on our HMH Pinterest boards
- Free Carmen Sandiego activities, games, videos, and more
First In Math - Accessed via LaunchPad
MyOn - Accessed via LaunchPad
Splash Math - https://www.splashlearn.com/math-skills/second-grade
ABCya! - https://www.abcya.com/
Spelling City - https://www.spellingcity.com/
Turtle Diary - https://www.turtlediary.com/second-grade-activities.html
ABC Mouse - www.abcmouse.com (Use code SCHOOL7771 for free access during distance learning period)
BrainPop Jr. - https://jr.brainpop.com/ (Click banner at the top for free access during the distance learning period)
Mystery Science - https://mysteryscience.com/school-closure-planning
Math Games - https://www.mathgames.com/grade2
Story Bird - A website where students can practice their writing skills. https://storybird.com/