• Distance Learning

    Severe and Profound Special Education Classroom

    Functional Curriculum


    Parents:  Below are some different activities you can work on at home with your child.


    Self-Help skills:

    Eating meals using adaptive utensils

    Opening packaged items/milk/juice cartons

    Wiping table areas

    Washing hands/face

    Toileting, participating in range of motion during diaper changing

    Pre-Vocational/Functional activities:

    Sorting items according to color, shape, size, item type

    Assembling items such as 2 piece bolts and screws, toothbrush and toothbrush holders, eating utensils in sets

    Packaging items such as various coins, clothespins, pencils

    ID alphabet letters

    ID shapes

    ID colors

    ID common items from a box of actual items-or from photo cards

    ID names

    ID utensils

    Trace dotted lines/directional lines needed to make a mark for a letter

    Attempt to make a mark

    Select activity

    Return items to designated location

    Look at book/magazine

    Manipulate simple puzzles

    Play with music toys

    Match items according to colors, shapes, item type

    Match pictures of items to same picture

    Match item to item

    Recreational/Leisure activities:


    Tactile manipulatives


    Music toys

    Computer games

    Books on tape

    Board games

    Coloring pages

    Community activities:

    ID Community helpers

    ID Community environments

    Look at books involving Community helpers

    Listen to stories/songs about Community helpers

    Mrs. Howell – Howelti@richmond.k12.ga.us


    Distance Learning Activities for Adapted Physical Education.

    Parents:    Below are some activities that you and your child can do to stay active and healthy during the distance learning period.

    These activities align with curriculum standards and will help your child with retention until May 8, 2020. 








    Time to get outside and

    move. Ask someone in

    your family to come out

    with you

    Practice your throwing

    skills. Find a big target

    and throw as hard as

    you can at it. Work on

    stepping right at the

    target with your

    “opposite” foot.

    Work on your locomotor

    skills – go outside and

    practice walking,

    running, galloping,

    skipping, jumping and



    Running is a great way

    to make your heart

    healthy. Try to run for 2

    minutes without



    Work on your tossing

    and catching skills with

    someone. Toss it right to

    their hands.

    Work on your bending,

    twisting, shaking,

    reaching, and crunching.

    Can you think of other

    ways to move while

    staying in one spot?.

        Turn on some music and

    make your

    parent/caregiver dance

    with you. Tell them they

    have to dance for at

    least two whole song


    Practice your ball rolling

    skills by rolling a ball

    back and forth with

    someone. Each time you

    roll it, back up one step

    Get outside today and

    play “I Spy”. Each time

    one of you says, “I spy”,

    you have to all walk, run

    or gallop to that object


    Using an empty paper

    towel roll and a balloon;

    work on volleying the

    balloon so it does not

    touch the floor





    Distance Learning Activities for Adapted Physical Education.

    Parents:    Below are some activities that you and your child can do to stay active and healthy during the distance learning period.

    These activities align with curriculum standards and will help your child with retention until classes resume. 







    Start the month off with

    a game of follow the

    leader. Move around

    your house in different

    ways as someone

    copies your movement

    Practice your throwing

    skills. Find a big target

    and throw as hard as

    you can at it. Work on

    stepping right at the

    target with your

    “opposite” foot.

    Work on your locomotor

    skills – go outside and

    practice walking,

    running, galloping,

    skipping, jumping and



    Running is a great way

    to make your heart

    healthy. Try to run for 2

    minutes without



    Work on your tossing

    and catching skills with

    someone. Toss it right to

    their hands.

    Chair Exercise”. Move

    around, under, and over

    a chair; sit down and

    stand up using a chair;

    turn on music and

    wiggle & stretch while

    sitting in a chair.


    Turn on some music and

    take turns choosing a way to move


    Try to wiggle and shake

    every part of your body,

    one by one. Then wiggle

    or shake your entire


    Make yourself really

    small and on the count

    of three spring up into

    the air, reaching and

    stretching to make

    yourself really big


    Find a ball and practice

    kicking. How far can you

    make the ball go? How

    high can you make it


    Twins – for 2-5 minutes

    pretend as if you are

    connected to someone

    else and the two of you

    have to move exactly

    the same way.

    Find lines on the

    sidewalk or driveway

    and jump over them.

    Remember to land softly

    on two feet.

    Practice your ball rolling

    skills by rolling a ball

    back and forth with

    someone. Each time you

    roll it, back up one step

    Get outside today and

    play “I Spy”. Each time

    one of you says, “I spy”,

    you have to all walk, run

    or gallop to that object.

    Using an empty paper

    towel roll and a balloon;

    work on volleying the

    balloon so it does not

    touch the floor.

    Work on your bending,

    twisting, shaking,

    reaching, and crunching.

    Can you think of other

    ways to move while

    staying in one spot?

    Turn on some music and

    make your

    parent/caregiver dance

    with you. Tell them they

    have to dance for at

    least two whole songs


    Balance on two body

    parts. How about three

    parts or four or ever five

    body parts?


    Put a sock puppet on

    your hand and have it

    travel high, low, fast,

    slow, curvy and straight


    Time to get outside and

    move. Ask someone in

    your family to come out

    with you

    Music Activity Ideas for Home

    1. Listen to a good morning song when you wake up or during breakfast. Listening and singing along to the same song every morning gives students an opportunity every day to recognize and begin interacting to a song through repetition.

    -When listening to your favorite music at home clap to the simple steady beat. You can hand over hand clap or stomp with them, as well.
    - Links to YouTube good morning songs (either search for the titles or click the link if able):
    1. The Singing Walrus Good morning song
    2. Greg & Steve - Good Morning

    2. Easy at home instrument making: Easter eggs are readily available right now. Fill them with household objects (beans, rice, pasta, beads, etc.) and tape them shut. You can also decorate them with permanent markers or decorative tape. Use these “shakey eggs” to experiment with the different sounds the different objects inside make. Use them to shake along with your favorite music.
    - Listen to and Learn about the ABC’s through a fun song!
    “Reggae ABC song” 

    3. If you have a streaming video service, find musical movies to watch together and take notes on the music.
    Charlie Brown movies are great to showcase Jazz, Fantasia is wonderful classical musical centered movie.

    4. If you have an iPad at home, try these apps:
    o SoundTouch or VideoTouch
    o StoryBots
    o Music Sparkles
     On your computer, the website www. https://www.incredibox.com/ for a fun and easy activity. You click on the
    different people that add different sounds to create your own song. There is also an app you can download.
     Check out the group “Blazer Fresh” on YouTube. There are lots of songs that teach educational concepts and are
    fun catchy tunes.
     https://family.gonoodle.com/ is a wonderful website with meaningful screen time activities. There are core
    curriculum concepts that are addressed as well as fun songs and PE activities you and your children can do
     Here’s a YouTube Link for a playlist of songs we sang for the 2020 Music Program. You can also search for
    “Adapted Music Teacher” in YouTube and find all of my playlists on YouTube.