Phone: (706)755-4431
Degrees and Certifications:
M.Ed. Special Education B.A. Psychology A.A. General Studies Georgia Teaching Certificates: Special Education Pre-K through 12 General Curriculum Special Education Pre-K through 12 Adapted Curriculum Special Education Pre-K through 12 Physical & Health Disabilities English Language Arts Grades 6-12
Ms. Clarke
I'm so excited about our 2024-2025 school year!
First of all, here's a little school info about me:
This is my 6th year teaching at Glenn Hills Middle School, and I really enjoy working with our fabulous students!
This is my 12th year of teaching as a highly qualified professional. I taught high school self contained and/or mental health day treatment special education in North Carolina for 3 years, and when I moved back home to Grovetown, I spent 3 years teaching high school English Language Arts.
After 6 years of teaching, I realized I enjoy teaching high school, but decided to try teaching middle school, and I love it!
My experience as a high school teacher will helps me prepare my students for high school.
I am currently teaching 6th grade science and I am certified in middle grades science (4-8).
I am also certified in middle grades math (4-8), English language arts (6-12), and Special Education (Pre-K-12).
I help students with any and all of their classes if they need it, and especially enjoy working with them in science, which is my favorite.
And a little about me personally:
I moved back to Grovetown in 2013 to take care of my elderly parents - both of whom have since passed, but I'm glad I came home to Augusta.
This is my 2nd career, I was a mental health worker for several years before becoming a teacher.
I also have a grown son and daughter in law, and enjoy visiting them in SC from time to time.
I have a few fish in my fishtank, but I don't have any furry pets.
And, just so you know, I will be contacting YOU!
But you are also welcome to contact me anytime.
I do my best to make positive phone calls for all my students at the beginning of the school year and I welcome parents and students to call or text anytime if they have questions or need any help. From time to time, I do take a day or several days to "unplug" from technology, so if you call or text, most of the time I will respond within a day even if you message me in the evening, weekend, or school break, but if you don't hear back from me, I'm probably unplugged.
If you contact me and you don't hear back from me within 2 business days, please reach out again.
You are also welcome to email me clarketa@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us or call Glenn Hills Middle School (706)796-4705 and leave me a message.
I'm very excited about the educational opportunities we'll have this year.
I hope everyone has a wonderful, productive school year!
Ms. Clarke
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Hi, you are welcome to contact me at any time.
You are welcome to call and leave me a message at Glenn Hills Middle School (706)796-4705, and I will do my best to return your call by the next business day.
You can also email me at clarkta@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us at any time. I check my email a few times a day, and will respond as soon as possible.
I also share my personal cell phone number so you can contact me via phone or text directly. I've noticed more and more parents prefer to text because it is less disruptive to your work day, and I will text you periodically about student successes as well as weaknesses.
Please feel free to contact me at any time. If it is the evening, weekend, holiday or school break, I usually still answer unless I'm having an "unplugged" day. If you call or text during the school day, I will respond within my next 2 planning periods or after the students have left for the day.
If you contact me and you don't hear from me in a timely manner, please do not hesitate to contact me again. It is never my intention to overlook contacts from parents, but it does happen from time to time, so please reach out again if you don't hear from me in a timely manner.