Edgenuity Guidelines
1. Come to class prepared and bring pen/pencils, composition notebook, and headphones every day.
2. All Pretests, Lab Assessments, Quizzes, Topic Tests and Cumulative Exams must be completed in class. Violation of this rule will result in deletion of coursework. You will be required to start from the beginning of your lesson.
3. No assistance will be provided during Pretests, Quizzes, Topic Tests or Cumulative Exams.
4. If you take a pretest and score an 80 or better, you will BYPASS that lesson. A score of 80 indicates that you have successfully mastered the content in the pretest and you can move to the next lesson’s pretest, however you will still be tested on this information. (You will still be able to gain access to the lesson if you want to go through them anyway).
5. You are required to conference with your instructor if you do not master your pretest or quiz attempt #1. This is the time you ask questions about information that is unclear or confusing to you, not when you are out of retakes or during your assessment.
6. All lessons must be completed in sequence.
7. Edgenuity assessments are not a group activity: Do not share answers with your classmates. Violation will result in a permanent zero (0).
8. Note taking is required whether in or outside of class.
- You are not allowed to write down any answers from your topic tests or cumulative exams.
- Notebooks should be neatly organized. NO EXCEPTIONS.
- Notes should consist of materials from your vocabulary, direct instruction, practice/homework, and classroom assignments and each note page should contain your first and last name, date, and lesson title for easy reference.
- The entire course must be completed with a passing grade AND ALL notes MUST be turned in to your teacher/facilitator before you take the cumulative exam for each course to receive credit. NO EXCEPTIONS.
9. You are to remain on the Edgenuity site at all times. Do not search for answers on Google, Wikipedia, etc. Violation of this policy will result in the deletion of coursework. NO EXCEPTIONS.
10. Do not bring food or drinks into the classroom. Do not bring software, entertainment or any other type of technology into the lab unless directed by your teacher. OTHERWISE NO EXCEPTIONS.
11. No sleeping in class under any circumstances.
12. Check your progress in Edgenuity daily. You are to make at least 3% progress every day.
13. You can access Edgenuity outside of school and are encouraged to work on Vocabulary, Direct Instruction, and Practice assignments at home. You may also access other assignments NOT mentioned in #3 while not in school.