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    Language Arts Syllabus 

    Course Description: The 4th grade curriculum covers many exciting new topics, and this year will be filled with many meaningful learning experiences. We’re passionate about learning and feel that students can learn best when their lessons are relevant and useful. We will provide your child with many memorable educational experiences and hands-on activities to help facilitate their learning in a practical way.

    We have very high expectations for our 4th grade students and are confident we can meet these expectations with teamwork and communication. A child’s quality education needs support and hard work from the teacher, parents, and students. Let’s work together to reach our maximum potential this year! Our work will be challenging, but very rewarding and we expect students to take initiative and responsibility for their own learning.

    Students will be expected to understand and clearly summarize what they have learned from readings and collaborative discussions, referring to specific evidence and details from the text.  Students will write regularly and continue to develop their ability to gather, organize, interpret, and present information.

    Instructional Philosophy: "I believe that all children are unique and have something special that they can bring to their own education." I will assist my students to express themselves and accept themselves for who they are, as well embrace the differences of others.

    Course Assessment Plan: Rubrics will be utilized during the school year to grade students’ writing as well as course work. Students will be given copies of the rubric in order to adjust their work before it is turned in.  Students will be given tests weekly to measure understanding as well as to monitor growth. Tests will be scheduled on Fridays. However, test dates are subject to change.

    Grades will be assigned as follows:                         The Richmond County Grading Scale is as follows:

    Tests - 30%                                                                    A – 100 - 90

    Projects – 25%                                                               B – 80 – 89

    Quizzes – 25%                                                               C – 75 – 79

    Journal – 20%                                                                D – 70 – 74

                                                                                           F – Below 70


    Classroom Expectations:  

    Before you walk into the classroom, we expect that all students are:

    1. Ready to learn with a positive attitude
    2. On time
    3. Well-rested
    4. Nourished from a healthy breakfast
    5. Prepared with materials/supplies/homework needed for the day

    When you ‘re in the classroom, we expect that all the students: 

    1. Respect and value all members of the Hains Elementary community and visitors.
    2. Follow the directions of adults the first time they are given.
    3. Raise your hands and wait for permission before speaking or leaving your seat.
    4. Remain focused and listen to peers and adults.
    5. Participate actively and give their all to the lessons.

    Students are expected to come to class prepared daily with paper, pencils, textbooks, binders, and homework assignments.  Students are expected to have (2) notebooks for this class, one journal and one ELA.  Students are expected to come in class in an orderly manner, ready and prepared to begin their daily assignments.

    Homework Policy and Grading Scale: Homework is due on Friday.  Any student who misses an assignment due to illness or an absence will be responsible for turning in the assignment upon return to school.

    Absent/Late Work Policy:

    In order to earn full credit, assignments should be handed in promptly on Friday morning during homeroom.

    Absences: If a student has an excused absence, as defined by the code of conduct, then work may be submitted for full credit. The number of extra days will be the same as the number of days absent. (i.e. 2 days of excused absence gives the student 2 days to complete the assignment upon their return to school). Students are responsible for receiving and completing their makeup work. 

    Late Work: Homework will NOT be accepted late.

    Projects will be given a due date along with a cut-off deadline. A 10 percent reduction in grade will result for each day late after the due date, up to the deadline.