• Music Book 


    To promote literacy, collaboration, and thinking, that is both critical and analytical, through the study of music.



    Students will explore the multiple aspects of elementary music, including general music, the playing of classroom and student-constructed instruments, creative movement, guided listening, music literacy, and the elementary chorus. Students will discover the connectedness that exists between music, other art forms, and other core subjects. Students will be guided in understanding the historical contexts out of which most music develops, discuss the aesthetics of music, and actively engage in diverse musical performances. Students will experience computational thinking and the integrative STEAM approach to education. Instruction will be standards-based and include various forms of formative and summative assessments.



    Expectations reflect standards created by the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) and Georgia Performance Standards: Fine Arts.


    Students will: 

    Sing, alone and with others, various kinds of songs, while cultivating a beautiful tone
    Play, alone and with others, many kinds of music on classroom instruments
    Listen to, analyze, and describe music using appropriate vocabulary
    Fluently read and notate music using traditional and non-traditional symbols
    Engage in creative movement, while connecting body, mind, and feelings
    Understand music’s role in history
    Authentically connect music to the other art forms and other core subjects
    Engage in improvisation
    Compose and arrange music in a variety of ways
    Evaluate music and musical performances


    Grades will be based on active engagement in music lessons.


    Students in grades K-3 will receive grades based on a 1-4 standards-based grading scale. The scale is outlined below:

    1-Beginning Learner
    2-Developing Learner
    3-Proficient Learner
    4-Distinguished Learner

    Students in grades 4 and 5 will receive numerical grades based on the traditional grading scale. The scale is outlined below:

    A 90-100
    B 80-89
    C 75-79
    D 70-74
    F Below 70