I am First Sergeant W. E. Hood, the Marine Instructor at Butler High School's JROTC program. We are excited about this year and what we have in store for your students!
The reason for this letter is to officially welcome you and your student(s) to the JROTC Program. We are excited to have your student as part of this program, as we feel that we truly have one of the best programs this school has to offer! It will be challenging for them for sure! However, our intent in to make them well rounded, productive citizens that will be successful in life and give back to their communities. We are NOT a recruiting force for the military.
I would like to personally invite you to visit and tour our facility at any time you desire. You are more than welcome to sit in during a class and observe what your students are learning. If at any time you have a question do not hesitate to reach out to me via email at the following address: hoodwi@richmond.k12.ga.us or you may contact my office at (706) 796-4959 ext. 1021.
Firt Sergeant W. E. Hood
Butler High School
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