
    Ms. Angela Sneed - CTAE Program Administrator for Cyber Academy

     Sneed Cyber


    Dear Cyber Academy of Excellence Students, Parents, and Community:


    As the Program Administrator over the Cyber Academy of Excellence, my staff and I would like to welcome our newly enrolled and returning students!  Beginning the 2022 -2023 school year, the Cyber Academy of Excellence is located at the Richmond County Technical Career Magnet School.  The program continues to be open to students attending the Richmond County’s magnet and traditional high schools who wish to pursue Cybersecurity Training, as well as seek an Industry Certification.  


    Our initiative here at the Cyber Academy of Excellence is to educate our students to become the best cybersecurity professionals in the field. That initiative is accomplished through a rigorous yet rewarding curriculum via the cybersecurity pathway. At the Cyber Academy of Excellence, we are ensuring that our students are securing our future today!


    It is an honor to have the opportunity to lead such a prestigious program.  I am excited to be a part of the Cyber Academy of Excellence and thank you for the opportunity to serve your families in this role.  Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.  I look forward to a great school year!



    Angela Sneed
    Program Administrator for the Cyber Academy 


    "True Cybersecurity is preparing for what's next, not what was last." - Neil Rerup