Ms. Pamela H. Garnett
Welcome to the Home of the Spartans, where we are Spartan Strong! My name is Ms. Pamela H. Garnett, and I will be teaching Physics. I am a native of Augusta, Georgia, and attended one of the many schools in the Richmond County School System. I graduated from A. R. Johnson High School. I also received my Bachelor of Science Degree from Paine College and my Master of Arts from Troy University in Education with an emphasis on Information Technology.
This will be an exciting year as we learn about Physics and the importance of motion. I look forward to teaching each one of you.
If you need to contact me, you can reach me by email or phone.
Contact Information
Email: garnepa@richmond.k12.ga.us
Contact Number: 706-796-4924
Office/Tutoring Hours
Office Hours: Monday - Friday - 2:30 pm -3:30 pm
Tutoring (Virtual) - Available upon request (Must schedule in advance)
Supply List/Required Materials
Pen and Pencil
Lab/Composition Notebook
Notebook Paper/Graph Paper
Scientific Calculator (Preferably Casio - casio.com/us/edu-shop - Use the following code US1318GL1020 to get a discount).Daily Schedule
1st Period - Physics
3rd Period - Physics
4th Period - Physics
5th Period - Physics
6th Period - Physics
Remind Join Code
1st Period Join Code - @c33b2eg
3rd Period Join Code - @ekk69d
4th Period Join Code - @@26abhf
5th Period Join Code - @9bhg737
6th Period Join Code - @66dd4f9