About Ms. Smith
Phone: 706-796-4942
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Administration
Ms. Britteny Smith
Welcome Message:
Hello! My name is Britteny Smith. I was born and raised in Augusta, GA where I later grew a desire to teach. I am excited to be a part of Glenn Hills Elementary School. As a parent and teacher, I know a child’s success is determined by several factors, especially environmental. I believe the environment of a child can be altered simply in the mind. Perception is everything in this society and ultimately it will determine who and what we become. A child’s perception can either push them to achieve success or hinder them from it. Therefore, I plan to do my part in our community by helping the children here at GHES to have the best outlook on life so that they may have the best outcome possible in their future. I plan to do this by molding their thinking process through sound teaching methods. I look forward to the exciting moments to come at GHES!