Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Arts (History) Master of Arts (Teaching)
Mr. Moswen A. Bonner
I am Mr. Moswen A. Bonner. In 1977, I started my first year of school at the historic Walter S. Hornsby Elementary in East Augusta. After finishing my high school education in Aiken County, I later on enrolled and graduated from Augusta College in 1995, with a Bachelor of Arts in History Degree. Entering the world of work, I worked at AT&T and then Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina in the Medicare Division. I enrolled at South Carolina State University in 1999 and graduated with a Master of Arts in Education in 2002. The following year, I started teaching 4th grade, at John Milledge Elementary in the Harrisburg neighborhood of Augusta. Moving to Willis Foreman Elementary in 2004, I taught 4th, 3rd,1st, and 2nd grades. After 15 years at Willis Foreman Elementary, I transferred to Wheeless Road Elementary in 2019 teaching 4th grade science. This is my first year at Richmond Hill Elementary School. I am teaching all subjects for 3rd Grade.
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