

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Terri Williams

I was a member of the first graduating class from A. R. Johnson Magnet School. As an honor student throughout high school, I think school officials thought the Science and Engineering track was best for me, but my gift is in the English Language Arts and the Humanities and I realized that by the time I graduated and became a Communications Major in college at what is now Augusta University. After a year of studying TV Broadcast, radio and journalism, I switched my major and became an English major with the intent of becoming a writer in the news industry. I got a chance to intern locally and did not like the way the news environment was conducted – it just did not fit my personality—so my oldest sister demanded that I become a teacher so that all of that talent would not go to waste.

Now, here I am many years later, and I am serving as a fifth grade teacher at Richmond Hill Elementary. I have studied for as long as I have taught, and I have spent many years teaching 6-12 grade levels.

I enjoy communication and expression and I try very hard to help young people express their best selves.


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