Phone: 803-617-8458
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor's in Special Education from Augusta State University in 2008. Master's in Special Education from Augusta State University in 2010. Ed Specialist in Curriculum and Planning from Augusta State University in 2012. Pending Doctorate in Special Education with projected graduation date of 2019.
Ms. Kathleen (Kathy) Jarchow
Parents and Students:
I am the inclusion special education teacher at Tobacco Road Elementary, Grades K through 5. I teach Reading, English Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Science, and Social Skills. I love my students and have high expectations for them to achieve academically.
I will send an invitation home with your student for the upcoming IEP meeting, 10 days in advance. I encourage you to try and attend these meetings as you are part of the IEP team and your input about your student is valuab
Tutoring is available at TRE. Please have your student check with his or her homeroom teacher to see when tutoring is available after school.
Research shows that students who read at home 15-20 minutes a night increase their academic scores. Please check the Resource Page for additional links for home study.
Feel free to call me anytime regarding your student at (706)796-4658.
Ms. Kathleen (Kathy) Jarchow
SPED Chair, Tobacco Road Elementary