• I will use a different supply list this year. 

    Please refer to the following link: '21-'22 Supply List

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  • Syllabus

    2020-2021 Virtual Syllabus

    Daily Schedule (AM & PM)


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    Dear Parents,

    I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your child back to another awesome school year!  For some students, it will be their introduction to Deer Chase, and I will do my best to accomodate them to how the school operates.  It’s hard to explain how wonderful it feels to have the honor of working with such a great group of students and parents for the number of years I have been teaching.  I hope each of my students have had a relaxing and enjoyable summer and is ready to hit the ground running into this 2020-2021 school year.  Once again, Welcome, Welcome, Welcome to another extraordinary school year!


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  • Hello, parents and guardians! Welcome to my Schoolwires page.


    The following page will be updated regularly with upcoming projects and assignments that the students will need to complete. If you all have my Remind information, you will recieve the daily homework for your child each day. I will make sure that every student is given a ClassDojo sheet.  I hope we have a great school year!!!

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  • Dimitri Mitchell 
    Grade: Kindergarten