Creating Comics and Cartoons!
Using published comics and cartoons as examples, children can create their own while playing with images and language.
Making Connections
In this strategy guide, you’ll learn to model how students can make three different kinds of connections (text-to-text, text-to-self, text-to-world). Students then use this knowledge to find their own personal connections to a text.
Students use this printable chart, from a ReadWriteThink lesson, to record information about a story
Students use this printable chart, from a ReadWriteThink lesson, to record information about a story and its characters, including the setting, problem, goal, outcome and more.
Favorite Books File
This student reproducible, from a ReadWriteThink lesson, guides students as they write reviews of their favorite books.
Online reading
Your student can access and read hundreds of books. They may also take quizzes on text to ensure comprehension.