Georgia Habitats
Media Center Resources
Bennett, D. (2009). Atlantic Ocean. Hamilton, GA: State Standards Publications.
Call # 577; AR 3.5; Lexile 600
Summary: “Describes the characteristics of Georgia's Atlantic Ocean habitat, and looks at some of the animals that make the ocean their home.”
Bennett, D. (2009). Coast. Hamilton, GA: State Standards Publications.
Call # 577; AR 3.4; Lexile 600
Summary: “Describes the characteristics, plants, animals, and people of Georgia's coastal habitat.”
Bennett, D. (2009). Coastal plains. Hamilton, GA: State Standards Publications.
Call# 577; AR 3.2; Lexile 570
Summary: “Describes the characteristics, plants, and animals of Georgia's coastal plains habitats.”
Bennett, D. (2009). Marsh and swamp. Hamilton, GA: State Standards Publications.
Call# 577; AR 3.6; Lexile 640
Summary: “Describes the characteristics, plants, and animals of Georgia's marsh and swamp habitats.”
Bennett, D. (2009). Mountains. Hamilton, GA: State Standards Publications.
Call# 577; AR 3.9; Lexile 590
Summary: “Describes the characteristics, plants, and animals of Georgia's mountains habitat.”
Bennett, D. (2009). Piedmont. Hamilton, GA: State Standards Publications.
Call # 577; AR 3.4; Lexile 590
Summary: “Describes the characteristics, plants, animals, and people of Georgia's piedmont habitat.”
Stanford, S. (2011). Rocks and minerals of the Piedmont. Hamilton, GA: State
Standards Publications.
Call # 552; AR 3.6; Lexile 590
Summary: “Describes the rocks and minerals in the Piedmont region of Georgia.”
GALILEO ResourcesPlease remember that most resources in GALILEO have the ability to read to the students. Additionally, the articles can be translated into many different languages.
Georgia. (2015). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved
from http://school.eb.com/levels/elementary/article/345472
Lexile 940
This article includes many images
Georgia. (2015). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved from
Lexile 1150
This article includes many images including an image of the state divided into its different regions.
Internet Resources
FactMonster Article on Georgia
Includes many links.
Georgia Garden Club: From the Mountains to the Sea
Excellent site that has information on the mountains. piedmont, coastal plains and the sea.
Official Georgia Tourism Site