Click on Meet the Counselor above to see short video
Welcome back to another exciting year at McBean Elementary School. It is my hope that this school year will be full of successful experiences for all students.
The counseling program at McBean is designed to be proactive and preventive. All students K-5, have access to counseling services. The following are a part of the program:
Building-wide curriculum-called Teachers as Advisors (TAA). These discussions will be teacher lead and will take place once a month.
Classroom Lessons- These lessons will be done by me in your child's classroom. Lessons will forcus on positive character, problem solving strategies, career development, ect.
Small Group Counseling- Groups will be created based on need. You will be contacted via letter if your child has been reccommended to participate in a group. You may also contact me to request that your child participate in a group.
Individual Counseling
Please feel free to contact me if you have any concerns about your child.
I am often working with my students and not in my office so email is the best method to reach me: mitchla@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us
You can also reach me by telephone:
Counseling Office 706-592-3723
*Please note that messages left on my voicemail will be returned as soon as possible.
Best Wishes
Ms. LaTrina Mitchell, M.Ed, Ed.S