United States Economy Resources
Media Center Resources
Adil, J. R. (2006). Goods and services. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press. Lexile ~550Summary: Simple text and photographs explain what goods and services are and their role in earning income and spending money.
Adler, David, (2015). Prices! Prices! Prices! Why they go up and down. New York: Holiday
House. Lexile 780
Summary: A lemonade stand can teach you the laws of supply and demand. but how? As the weather shifts from day to day and a rival stand opens up, demand and supply shift, and so do prices. *See below in Internet resources an interactive game called Lemonade Stand
Brennan, L. C. (2013). Managing money. Mankato, MN: Childs World. Lexile 510
Summary: An illustrated introduction to managing money and setting up a budget with examples for income, expenses, donations, setting goals, and how to implement the plan.
Firestone, M. (2005). Spending money. Mankato, MN.: Capstone Press. Lexile 650
Summary: Explains why people need money, looks at cash, checks, and credit cards and offers advice on how to spend money wisely.
Giesecke, E. (2003). Dollars and sense: Managing your money. Chicago, Ill.: Heinemann Library. Lexile ~980
Summary: Examines the need for young people to appropriately manage their money including discussions on the differences between needs and wants, how to make a budget, and the importance of a good credit history.
Loewen, N. (2005). Save, spend or donate. A book about managing money. Minneapolis, MN:
Picture Window Books. Lexile 530
Summary: Josie and Sam learn the value of dividing their weekly allowances into portions for saving, spending and giving to charity.
Schwartz, D. M. (1989) If you made a million. New York: Lothrop Lee & Shepard Books. Lexile
Summary: Describes the various forms which money can take including coins, paper money, and personal checks and how it can be used to make purchases, pay off loans or build interest in a bank.
GALILEO Resources
Lexile 870
Lexile 1220
Lexile 840
Lexile 1050
Internet Resources, Games, and Activities:
PBS Kids
Information, videos and games all about smart spending habits.