Mission, Vision, and Belief Statements


    We will uphold Ms. Lucy C. Laney's legacy
    by fostering a safe, nurturing environment
    while promoting rigor, relevance,
    and respectful relationships
    through academics with a global vision in mind.




    The vision of Lucy C. Laney High School
    is to empower, educate, and prepare students
    to become successful leaders and productive citizens
    in order to achieve 100% graduation rate
    and college and career readiness.




    1. Each student is a valued individual with unique physical social, emotional, and intellectual needs.

    2. A safe, appealing, physical comfortable environment that promotes student learning and engagement.

    3. Students learn best when they are actively engaged in the learning process and able to apply their learning to real word experiences.

    4. Students need to be able to demonstrate their understanding of essential knowledge and be actively involved in solving problems and producing quality work.

    5. Students will become independent thinkers and learners in order to become life-long productive citizens.