8th Grade Math
Finding The Slope Given 2 Points.mp4
Graphing On The Coordinate Plane.mp4
How to Determine Whether a Triangle is a RIGHT Triangle.mp4
Solving Equation with variables on both sides of the equation
System of equations using substitution.mp4
Systems of Equations By Elimination and Substitution With 2 Variables.mp4
Translations Reflections and Rotations.mp4
Exponent Rules with Examples.mp4
Scientific Notation An introduction.mp4
8.EE.4 Scientific Notation.mp4
How to Perform Operations in Scientific Notation How to Add Subtract Multiply Divide.mp4
Scientific Notation Review.mp4
Introduction to proportional relationships Khan Academy.mp4
Introduction to Ratios Proportions Units and Rates Pre-Algebra Khan Academy.mp4
How to Find a Proportional Constant.mp4
Graphing a linear equation by rewriting from standard form to slope intercept form.mp4
Graphs of linear equations Linear equations and functions 8th grade Khan Academy.mp4
Proportional vs nonProportional.mp4
Finding the slope y intercept and equation for a linear function given a table of values.mp4
Y-intercept from a table without 0.mp4
Solving Two-Step Equations Algebra Equations.mp4
Scientific Notation Addition and Subtraction.mp4
Scientific Notation Multiplication and Division.mp4
Raising to the Power Scientific Notation.mp4
How to Graph Ordered Pairs.mp4
How To Find The X and Y Intercepts of a Line.mp4
system of equations by elimination guided notes part 1.mp4
system of equations by elimination guided notes part 2.mp4
Introduction to rational and irrational numbers Algebra I Khan Academy.mp4
Rational and Irrational Numbers.mp4
Add and Subtract Rational Numbers.mp4
Algebra Basics Solving Basic Equations Part 1 - Math Antics.mp4
Algebra Basics Solving Basic Equations Part 2 - Math Antics.mp4
Butterfly Method for Fractions Addition Subtraction.mp4
Decimals - Adding- Subtracting- Multiplying-and Dividing.mp4
Fraction Review How to Add-Subtract-Multiply- and Divide Fractions.mp4
Math Antics - Convert any Fraction to a Decimal.mp4
Math Antics - Converting Base-10 Fractions.mp4
Simplifying Variable Expressions - Combining Like Terms.mp4
Algebra Basics- The Distributive Property - Math Antics.mp4
Angle Pair Relationships- Adjacent Vertical Complementary Supplementary.mp4
Complementary Supplementary and Vertical Angles.mp4
Math Antics - Circles- Circumference And Area
Math Antics - Circles-What Is PI..mp4
Division Song - Great INTRO to new unit.mp4
Dividing Fractions by Whole Numbers How to Divide a Fraction by a Whole Number.mp4
6.NS.1 - Division of Fraction by Whole Number Word Problem.mp4
Introduction to order of operations Arithmetic properties Pre-Algebra Khan Academy.mp4
Math Antics - Order Of Operations.mp4
Algebraic Expressions -Basics.mp4
Fraction Review How to Add Subtract Multiply and Divide Fractions.mp4
The Butterfly Method for Adding Subtracting and Comparing Fractions.mp4
Decimal Review Add Subtract Multiply and Divide Decimals.mp4
Ratio and Proportion Word Problems.mp4
Introduction to ratios Ratios- proportions-units- and rates Pre-Algebra Khan Academy.mp4
English Language Arts (All Grades)
Connotation and Denotation.mp4
Constructed Responses and the RACE Writing Strategy.mp4
Figurative Language in Movies.mp4
Figurative Language in Pop Culture 2017.mp4
Figurative Language in Pop Culture.mp4
Figurative Language Pop Culture 2014.mp4
How to Answer Constructed Response or Short Answer.mp4
How to Write a Good Argumentative Essay- Logical Structure.mp4
How to write a Narrative Essay.mp4
How to Write a Persuasive Essay.mp4
How to Write an Informative Essay.mp4
Main Idea Thesis Statement Topic Sentences.mp4
Point of View First Second and Third Person Video Worksheet .mp4
Using Textual Evidence in Essays.mp4
Writing Ninjas- How To Write A Strong Thesis Statement.mp4
8TH Grade Social Studies
American Revolutionary War Timelines and Maps Animated US History.mp4
Battles of the Civil War- Crash Course US History.mp4
Blood and Glory- The Civil War in Color- Shermans March to Savannah History.mp4
Bloody Marsh and the Royal Colony.mp4
Colonization Reasons for Exploring-Colonization.mp4
Effects of European Colonization- Christopher Columbus and Native Americans.mp4
Emancipation Proclamation Hear and Read the Full Text Abraham Lincoln.mp4
Native Americans in Georgia.mp4
Reconstruction and 1876 Crash Course US History.mp4
Social Studies 8th Grade Georgia Geography Content.mp4
Tea Taxes and The American Revolution Crash Course World History.mp4
The American Revolutionary War for Kids Learn About the Revolutionary War for Children.mp4
The Atlantic Slave Trade Crash Course World History.mp4
The Civil War Part 2 Crash Course US History.mp4
The Civil War Part I Crash Course US History.mp4
The cotton gin effect on slavery.mp4
The Dred Scott Decision Explained US History Review.mp4
The Election of 1860 and the Road to Disunion- Crash Course US History.mp4
The Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850.mp4
The Reconstruction Amendments The 13th 14th and 15th Amendments.mp4
The Rise and Fall Of Jim Crow.mp4
The Seven Years War Crash Course World History .mp4
The War of Jenkins Ear and King George War.mp4
Trustee Period Salzburgers Highland Scots.mp4
Was the Civil War About Slavery.mp4
6TH Grade Social Studies
CANADA Provinces and Territories explained Geography Now.mp4
Canada. History of Canada in a Nutshell..mp4
Here is how the Caribbean became the most Racially Diverse Region in the World.mp4
Neglected History The Haitian Revolution.mp4
The Animated History of Australia.mp4
The Animated History of Brazil.mp4
The history of Canada explained in 10 minutes.mp4
6TH Grade Science
Outer Space- We are the Planets The Solar System Song by StoryBots Netflix Jr.mp4
Outer Space- We are the Planets The Solar System Song by StoryBots Netflix Jr.mp4
7TH Grade Science
All About Cells and Cell Structure- Parts of the Cell for Kids.mp4
Asexual and Sexual Reproduction.mp4
Biology- Cell Structure I Nucleus Medical Media.mp4
Charles Darwin - The Theory Of Natural Selection.mp4
DNA-Chromosomes- Genes- Traits- An Intro to Heredity.mp4
DNA-Chromosomes- Genes- Traits- An Intro to Heredity.mp4
Environmental conditions characteristics.mp4
Flow of energy and matter through ecosystem - Ecology - Khan Academy.mp4
Fossil Types for beginners.mp4
How abiotic and biotic factors make an ecosystem.mp4
Human Body Systems Functions Overview.mp4
Six Kingdoms of Classification.mp4
Symbiosis- Mutualism- Commensalism- and Parasitism.mp4
What Are The Levels Of Organization In The Body - Organization Of The Human Body.mp4