• Dear Parents and Students, 


    It is my privilege and honor to serve as your appointed school principal of Wheeless Road Elementary School. I have been dedicated to the field of education in the Richmond County School System for more than twenty years.  I have worked with a variety of students ranging in age from kindergarten through high schoolI am excited to bring my skills as an education instructional leader to Wheeless Road Elementary School and work with you as a partner in education to ensure every student's success.  


     As your principal, it is important to me that everyone who steps through our doors receives a Wheeless Road "BEE-utiful" experiencePlease feel free to call or email me to discuss any concerns or suggestions you might have throughout the school year.   


    I look forward to working with our Wheeless Road Elementary students, parents, community partners, faculty, and staff to help make this a successful school year as we "Buzz to Excellence"! 




    Carl Robinson III, Ed.S.  
