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Lucy C. Laney High School
Teacher: Brittney McKelvey
Subjects: World History, American Government, World Geography, Sociology, Personal Finance and Economics
Office Hours: M-F 8:00 am-4:00 pm
Hello, my name is Brittney Mckelvey and I would like to welcome to the Lcy C. Laney Wildcat Family for the 2024-2025 school year. I teach in the Social Studies department. This is my 2nd year at Laney and I look forward to working with you as we explore our world's history and navigate different areas of learning that will engage learning.
Contact Information : MckelBr@richmond.k12.ga.us
Schedule: remind code
1st- World History-62k42gg
3rd- Sociology -e9cffhd
4th -World History-9k36cdk
5th - World History- 7fdbef
6th- World Geography-42d6g6b
7th World History 2d23ca