Lake Forest Hills Elementary School
Mrs. Shari J Hooper, School Counselor
Mrs. Shari Hooper is a professional school counselor. She worked as a certified teacher from 1991-1998 and earned her master's degree in School Counseling in 1995. Our counselor is available for teachers, parents, and students to assist with any difficulties or problems that may interfere with school success. Students can be seen for small group counseling and/or short-term individual counseling at the request of the parents, teachers, and students. Mrs. Hooper teaches classroom lessons related to social emotional skills and special topics.
The school counselor works collaboratively with parents, school professionals, and students to facilitate all students' academic, emotional, and social growth. It is the counselor's responsibility to identify and remove barriers that may impede academic achievement. Don't be afraid to reach out for help. I'm happy to try to help.To speak with the counselor or refer your child for counseling help from the counseling office, please email, text, or leave a message.
EMAIL: hoopesh@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us
SCHOOL PHONE: (706) 737-7317
DIRECT PHONE: (803) 336-5007 (Google voice to text or leave message)