Welcome to Ms. Gottschalk's Class Page!Thank you for coming to visit! I hope you will stop by occasionally and check outwhat's going on at Meadowbrook Elementary as well as in our classroom.
Course description:
The most important aspect of the course is to comply with each student’s Individual Educational Plan (IEP). These objectives are written to meet the individual needs of each student in the following domains:
· Functional academics
· Independent Living
· Pre-Vocational
· Communication
· Recreation/Leisure
Students are also provided access to the Georgia Standards of Excellence and those who are in grades 3-5 will be assessed through the Georgia Alternate Assessment (GAA) in the areas of ELA, Math, and Science (only 5th grade).
Instructional Philosophy:
Students with special needs have diverse learning styles and often have unique physical challenges. The instructional approaches which will be implemented in the classroom will be differentiated to address the specific needs of each student. Subsequently, the goal is that students will inherently perform at their highest potential.
Major Course Goals:
The ultimate goal is to equip and empower each student to master his or her IEP objectives in order to stimulate the student to obtain a higher level of thinking that he or she can apply to daily living.
Major Course Projects & Instructional Activities:
The activities and projects that will be considered this year include: a Science Fair Project, and an array of other activities that will be announced as the school year is in session.
Course Assessment Plan:
Each student will be assessed using the Brigance Inventory of Early Development prior to their IEP conference. The assessment will display the student’s growth and inform the teacher on the areas in which the student needs improvement. Students in grades K and 3-5 will participate in the Georgia Alternate Assessment (GAA), which addresses the curricular standards for ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies. For information on the GAA, visit http://www.gadoe.org/Curriculum-Instruction-and-Assessment/Assessment/Documents/GAA/2015-2016%20GAA%20Parent%20Brochure.pdf
Classroom Expectations:
All students are expected to adhere to the student code of conduct policy, as well as the following classroom expectations at all times:
1. Stay in your seat;
2. Raise your hand to speak;
3. Finish all your work;
4. Keep hands and feet to yourself at all times;
5. Respect people and property.
Supplies and Materials for the 2023-2024 school year:
1. Skinny dry erase markers;
2. Several boxes of tissues;
3. Paper towels
4. Sanitizing wipes
5. Headphones
Please provide a change of clothes in the book bag each day.
Grading Scale: The grading policy will directly correlate with the policy established by the Richmond County Special Education Department. Grades will be based on modifications of standards to reflect progress on IEP goals and objectives. GO-IEP progress reports will be distributed every nine weeks according to the start date of the IEP. Regular report cards and progress reports will be distributed according to the policy established by Richmond County School System.
Additional Instruction:
Extra help will be provided in a one-on-one setting during the daily routine.
If you have any questions or concerns, I can be reached at 706-796 4939 during our planning period Monday-Friday 11:30-12:15 or via email at
If you have joined Class Dojo, messages can be exchanged there, as well.
Jenny GottschalkGrades: 1-5Subject(s): All subjects (including functional curriculum)