Welcome to Ms. Wimberly's Physical Education Class
Greetings students and parents! I would like to welcome you to the 2023-2024 school year! My name is Neichole N. Wimberly and this is my 2nd year teaching PE at Glenn Hills High School. My mission is to instill a love for learning in my students and encourage them to believe they can achieve anything they put their mind to. My goal in physical education is for everyone to learn to make healthy choices and feel successful when participating in a variety of activities. I teach with a passion and make learning fun for my students. I encourage students to develop a desire to become life-long learners in health and sports. This enables students to develop a positive attitude toward physical activity and to develop healthy habits, which will hopefully continue throughout their lives. Student participation is required, so I do expect every student to be involved with this class. I will go over participation and safety rules with the students in class as well. We will learn about different kinds of sports during our school year such as kickball, basketball, volleyball, soccer, tennis, etc. My vision of this class includes getting students into shape, teaching them the importance of being healthy, and allowing the students to have fun. Everyone will be treated equally (I do make exceptions for those who need special accommodations in order for them to be able to get just as much effect out of this class as everyone else). I want students to be responsible for their actions, and to be respectful to one another. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. It is very important to keep communication open between us. I would love to talk to you whenever you feel the need. I look forward to working with each and every one of the incoming students.
Neichole N. Wimberly
Email: Wimbene@richmond.k12.ga.us
School Number: 706-796-4924
Cell Number: 706-312-6888