Animal Adaptations
Media Center Resources
Ganeri, A. (2008). Africa’s most amazing animals. Chicago, IL: Raintree.
Call# 591; AR 5.3; Lexile ~825
Summary: “Profiles ten animals that have adapted to the unique climate and environment of Africa, with information on each animal's habitat, adaptations, behavior, and distribution.”
**We have all 7 continents in this series as well as ocean and polar animals.
Stockland, P. M. (2005). Sand, leaf, or coral reef: A book about animal habitats.
Minneapolis, MN: Picture Window Books.
Call# 591; AR 3.8; Lexile~650
Summary: “Briefly discusses the adaptations animals have made to live in various environments.”
Internet Resources
Interactive Sites for Education
This site contains a lot of wonderful interactive “game” for Promethean Board use or individual student use.
GALILEO Resources
Adaptation. (2014). Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, 1p. 1.
Habitat. (2015). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved from
Lexile 980
Habitat. (2015). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved from
Lexile 1280