Online Resources
Click on Education for diverse arts learning experiences.
Elementary-age students can enjoy exploring, creating and manipulating music.
Elementary students can enjoy playing with an interactive Improvisation Station.
Happy Note! Music games (shareware and freeware) are both amusing and educational. They offer a way to learn to read music notes in treble clef and bass clef the fun way.
Fun music stuff just for kids.
Classics for Kids contains games, music lessons, lesson plans and information on composers and classical music. (For students and teachers.)
This website contains hundreds of learning games of varying levels, all carefully planned to gain mastery of the elements of music theory, ear training and rhythmic skills in an exciting, challenging environment.
This website gives biographical information about the jazz great Wynton Marsalis.
This website is about learning music and playing games with your favorite PBS KIDS characters like Elmo, Arthur, the Cat in the Hat and Daniel Tiger.
This is the San Francisco Symphony Kids’ Site.
Magnificent high school orchestra from Venezuela conducted by Gustavo Dudamel