

Degrees and Certifications:

Regina White


Welcome to 1st Grade


Congratulations! You are the parent of a first-grader at McBean Elementary School!!! You will be amazed at just how much your child will grow this year. Most likely, your child has had the seeds of reading and writing planted, and during first grade, those seeds will grow and blossom, making your child an accomplished reader and writer! The growth will be dramatic-just compare a tiny seed with a full-gown sunflower! That’s the kind of growth you’ll see this year! 

I would first like to introduce myself. My name is Regina White. This is my 10th year of teaching and my 1st year at McBean teaching 1st grade. Previously, I have taught preschool for two years at Burke County Head Start and two years at Jenkins County Head Start. And prior to that I worked for six years in the preschool classroom and Little Angels Learning Academy.  I graduated from Augusta Technical College in 2015 with an associate degree in early childhood and received a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Grand Canyon University in May of this year.  I am looking forward to working with your child this year and helping him/her to achieve his/her full potential. Throughout the remainder of this newsletter, I will share some of my expectations and classroom policies and procedures.

 Parent/Teacher Communication

I believe that a good parent-teacher relationship is necessary for maximum school success. Throughout the year I will communicate with you through Class Dojo, notes, phone calls, behavior reports, conferences, progress reports, and 9-week report cards. If it is not urgent, please jot a note and I will respond as soon as possible.  Ways to contact ME:  Class Dojo, at 706-592-3723 to leave a message with the secretary or email me ( and I will respond accordingly.

Changes in Transportation

If you plan to pick up a child that normally rides the bus or you wish for your child to ride a

different bus than usual, you must send a written notice or email Ms. Peebles ( OR send a FAX: 706-592-3729. If not, your child will be sent home by his/her usual method of transportation. Car riders will be picked at the front of school-PLEASE REMAIN IN CAR!!!  - and car riders will be called and brought out to you.


Your child will bring home a homework folder each night to be returned each day with

completed homework assignments for the week. Please check folder daily for important information

(ex. notes, field trip information, etc.). If you need to send a note or money please place it in

your child’s folder.


Students who are absent from school are required to bring a written excuse for the absence(s) their first day back at school.  For any absence beyond

(or after) 5, the parent shall be required to provide an official physician's note justifying

the absence. For more information about the absentee policy, go to, McBean Elem.  Webpage, or the Student Code of Conduct  



I look forward to a wonderful year of learning!

Ms. Regina White