• Dear Parents,


    Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year at Meadowbrook Elementary School!  I am excited about this school year. I have many activities planned for us. I am fortunate to have the opportunity to teach your child this year.  When a new school year begins, I want to ensure that students and parents know what is expected and pace themselves in order to achieve their goals. Therefore, I will be sending letters and notes home occasionally to keep everyone aware of current events. Information will also be available via my web page and class dojo.These electronic resources will be available to view homework and announcements. This year my classroom will be Encanto themed. I am so excited for the students to enter the Learning Encanto and reach their full academic potential.

     Homework Folder

    The homework folder will go home daily and must be returned with students every day. It is vital to maintain home-school communication. You will be able to look at the Conduct Chart each night to determine if your child had any difficulties with his or her behavior that day. The conduct chart needs to be checked and initialed by you each day. This indicates awareness of your child's behavior. Behavior for your child can also be viewed on class dojo upon signup.


    Grades and Communication:  

    Graded papers will be sent home with your child periodically. Please review all the work with your child . Please be sure to sign your child's graded paper signature sheet to let me know that you have viewed his or her work.


    Behavior Policy: 

    In class we have a behavior plan. The students are expected to abide by these expectations:

    1. Be ready
    2. Be responsible
    3. Be respectful

    Homework Policy

    Homework in First Grade is designed to reinforce skills that your child has learned throughout the school day. Homework is due back the next day and it needs to be completed correctly. It is essential in helping your child achieve academic goals necessary to be successful and move on to the next grade.

    ***I’m looking forward to a great year*** 



     Bitmoji Image

    Mrs. Simmons



    Social Media Connections:

    Facebook – Meadowbrook Elementary School

    Twitter - @MeadowbrookES

    Instagram - @MeadowbrookES