This class is part of the Richmond County Orchestra program, also referred to as the RCO. The RCO has been an active part of the Richmond County Fine Arts curriculum since the 1970's, providing music education to thousands of students throughout the county.
We have six orchestras, spanning from 4th to 12th grades. The middle school level consists of two orchestras: Prelude (6th grade) and Filarmonico (7th & 8th grades). This year, auditions will be held on the night of Monday, October 2nd. They will take place at the RCO headquarters, at Tubman Education Center, on Walton Way. Please refer to your child's audition sheet for more details or feel free to contact your child's orchestra teacher.
Orchestra classes at Murphey are held three times a week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) at the following times:
8th Grade: 9:30-10:00
7th Grade: 10:05-10:35
6th Grade: 11:25-12:10
Please check back here regularly for any announcements, and also be sure to check your child's orchestra folder as all information will be sent home as well.
Mr. Connolly
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Name Christopher ConnollyEmail: connoch@rck12.org; connoch@boe.richmond.k12.ga.usGrade(s):4-12Subject(s): Orchestra