Communication between teachers and parents is an
important part of the success of every student.
Please feel free to contact me at (706) 592-3723 or SmithKa1@BOE.Richmond.K12.GA.US before school (7:30-7:45AM) or during my daily planning time (11:20AM-12:05PM).
- Class Dojo: I use this app daily to communicate classroom updates and reminders to my parents. Please join my group by using one of the following methods...
- To set up a parent account on your own, you download the app or go to classdojo.com and create an account. Once account has been created, you can send a request to join my class.
- To set up a parent account with assistance, you can download the app or go to classdojo.com and use the invitation code provided on the parent invite letter (this will be given out at Open House and sent home on the first week of school).
- Class Dojo: I use this app daily to communicate classroom updates and reminders to my parents. Please join my group by using one of the following methods...