Deer Chase Elementary (2023-2024)
Mrs. D. Tanksley
5th Grade
Contact Methods:
- Class Dojo: Will be used to monitor participation and act as a measure to promote positive behavior. (Preferred Contact and Quickest Method)
- School Phone: (706) 772-6240
5th Grade Philosophy
Fifth grade is an exciting place to be at Deer Chase Elementary! Our curriculum is presented in such a way that all levels of learners and learning styles are stimulated. We work together to provide activities that foster thinking skills and problem solving; as well as, prepare the student for middle school. We support the theory that every child can learn. Between our team, our administrators, our parents, and our students, we are confident that fifth grade at Deer Chase Elementary will prepare students to be future leaders!
Grading Policy
Students are expected to complete all class work in a timely manner. Late assignments will result in a loss of points. If your child is absent, all missing assignments must be completed and turned in upon his/her return. Please see the Code of Conduct book for more detailed information. Students will receive numerical grades in all subject areas including PE.
7:00- 7:25 Teacher Planning
7:25- 8:00 Intervention
8:00- 8:55 ELA/Math Intervention continued
8:55- 10:25 1st Period
10:25- 11:55 2nd Period
11:55- 12:45 3rd Period
12:45- 1:15 Lunch/Recess
1:15- 1:30 Recess
1:30- 2:10 3rd Period continued
2:10- 2:25 Dismissal
Daily Expectations for Learning
- Students must come to class prepare with all materials.
- Students must complete all homework assignments (Mon.-Thurs).
- Proper behavior and interaction with each other is important.
- Expectations for student interaction virtually with students and staff are the same expectation as if in the classroom.
- Students must follow all classroom rules and routines
Homework will be signed ocassionally depending on the students' needs. Conduct sheets and graded papers are considered homework and therefore should be returned the next day. If any part of the homework is not returned students will receive points taken off from their conduct grade on the next day for “no homework.
Assessment and Evaluation of Students
Students are assessed in a variety of ways, including:
- Checklists/Rubrics
- Oral (Video Recordings)
- Teacher Observation
- Homework/ Other Asynchronous Assignments
- Discussions
- Quizzes/Tests (Pre, Post, Informal Checks)
Fifth grade will use the point system for their behavior system. Each Monday your child starts the day with 100 points. If your child has been given a verbal warning to correct their behavior and continues to display that behavior, he/she will receive a “strike” and points will be deducted from their conduct grade. Class Dojo will be used as a communication tool between teachers and parents. Additional information will be sent home by the end of next week.
Important Reminders
ABSENCES---Richmond County requires that all absences be recorded and the reason for the absence noted. Anytime your child returns to school after an absence, please send him or her with a signed and dated note stating the reason for the absence within 2 days. Parents may excuse up to 5 absences,