



    Yearly Course Outline:
    The following will be studied throughout the course and the standards we will use can be found on the Georgia Department of Education website or www.georgiastandards.org.

    Course Description: 

    Students trace the history of Georgia in the context of the development of the South and the United States.  The chronological focus of the course includes a geographic overview, earliest inhabitants of Georgia, foundation of Georgia in the eighteenth century through the state's development in the 20th century.  Students also examine the characteristics of state government, public issues and citizen rights and responsibilities.  In addition, the students will explore contemporary and historical comparisons of state and national political institutions.

    Unit Title 
    Intro. Georgia Geography Physical Features, regions, and climate 
    1. Prehistoric Natives Prehistoric natives in Georgia 
    2. Exploration Explorers, DeSoto,Oglethorpe,and reasons 
    3. Removal of Indians and Expansion Revolutionary War, Expanding west, and Removal of Native Americans
    4. Civil War and Reconstruction, Civil War, Slavery, and Reconstruction 
    5. New South Economic and Social Change, Great Depression 
    6. 20th Century New Deal and World War II 
    7. Recent History of Modern Georgia ,Civil Rights and Symbols of Georgia 
    8. Government Branches, local, juvenile system 
    9. Personal Finance Banking, investing, and business 


    Rules & Expectations:
     Be present and on time for class.
     Be prepared for class with appropriate materials.
     Respect others and their property.
     Follow all directions given the first time.
     Help create and maintain a positive learning environment

    Daily Requirements & Materials:
     Students are expected to report to class each day with textbook, supplies, and materials required by the teacher. (Teacher will give notice in advance for other materials)
     Students are expected to complete all assignments in a timely manner. 

    Homework will only be given if a student has not finished assignments or tasks for the day or have been absent and has to makeup missed work. I do expect students to study and review for test and vocabulary Every Night.

    Quizzes will be administered prior to tests at the teacher’s discretion. Quizzes are learning tools and should be used to prepare for tests. Students should review their daily notes and assignments to help study for a quiz.

    Tests/Performance Assessments:
    Students will be given a pretest at the beginning of the year to measure prior knowledge. Students will take a midterm that will be graded and count as test grade for the nine weeks. Students will be given a post-test after all content and standards are covered and will be graded as test grade for the nine weeks.  A variety of assessment measures will be utilized to measure student progress, document student success, and serve as a tool for refining curriculum. Types of assessments may include pen and paper tests, quizzes, written summaries, performances, informal questioning, and projects. Rubrics will be utilized to grade many of the projects. Students will be given ample notice when formal assessments such as tests will be given. It is important that students keep up with the content on a daily basis.

    Throughout the year, projects will be assigned that may require some work outside of the class time. These are announced well in advance of the due date and will include a rubric for grading.

    Projects will count as a test grade.

    Regular attendance is expected of ALL students.  Attendance is one of the most important measures of your interest and desire to do well academically. Your attendance helps your teacher facilitate better discussions and your fellow students benefit from your ideas and experiences. If you are not in class – regardless of the reason – you are still responsible for any assignments that you miss.

    * If a student is absent the day of a test or quiz, the test/quiz must be made up the day that the student returns to class since all tests/quizzes are announced days in advance and will usually be provided a study guide.
    *If an absence will be for a prolonged period of time, please contact the teacher and arrangements can be made for assignments to be completed at home if possible