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    GHE patrons may login to Destiny Library catalog through LaunchPad.


    Look for this app.


    Click Catalog on the top ribbon, THEN Click Destiny Discover on the sidebar.

    Type a search word into the search bar to learn about resources in our library!


    View the "Getting Started with Destiny Discover" video to learn more.


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Mission Statement

  • Glenn Hills Elementary School Media Center plays an integral part in the overall instructional program of the school. The media center program supports and enhances curriculum, instruction, literacy and learning for students and teachers. Our media center serves as the central location for facilitating school and community services.


    The mission of Glenn Hills Elementary School is to

    create a world-class school where students can flourish

    academically while developing character traits that will

    prepare  them to become lifelong learners.


    Glenn Hills Elementary School will educate all students

    at his or her maximum potential to ensure that they are

    self-sufficient, responsible, cooperative,

    and caring members of society.


Library Contact

  • clipart
    Mrs. Hooks
    Media Specialist
    Media Center Hours:  7:00 - 2:15, Monday - Friday
    706-796-4942 ext. #5