2015-2016 Barton Chapel P.T.A.
P.T.A. Fundraiser Top!
TyQuise Taylor! Thank you for selling 259 chocolate bars!!
B.C. Hospitality - Birthday Fiesta!
"Happy birthday to all faculties and staff born in July, August, and September!"
Sock Hop ... We had fun! Thank you for your support! Sept. 11, 2015 (sponsored by B.C. P.T.A.)
- Special THANKS to Ms. Barnes, Ms. Dean, and Ms. Elliot for staying late to make sure for all children to get home safely that day! Thank you for all teachers and staff who clearned up after the sock hop!
PTA meeting on August 25, 2015 ...
Congratulations on the new PTA officers:
President – Takeisha Barnes Vice- President – Quanise Cummings-Story
Secretary – Brandilynn Dean Treasurer – Monique Braswell
Ms.Barnes organizes a lot of fun events to support and encourage B.C. scholars, families, teachers, and staff throughout the year! Our P.T.A. is NUMBER ONE!
** Thank you, Mrs. Barnes for leading and supporting our P.T.A.!