
     Welcome to Dr. Warthen's Webpage

    Welcome back to the 2022 - 2023 school year!  This year, fifth graders will continue to be packed with information and learning!  You will be amazed at  how much your child will grow this year.  Parents, please remain actively involved in your child's learning experience, which  is the key to completing the year strong. Engage your child in conversation about his/her day. Another way to stay involved is to check your child’s take-home folder every night, etc. They may be packed with school assignments, homework, projects, flyers, notices from the office, as well as notes from their teacher. As daunting as it may be, try to sort through them and read each one. They will often be contained with important information and reminders. Before you go, check out our monthly memos and announcements tab.


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Let's Finish Strong!!!!