• Contact Information 

    Parents, you are responsible and obligated to have up-to-date contact information. Basic information needed is parents/guardian's names, cellular number, and address. Information needs to be given to our school's data specialist, your child(ren),and to your child's teachers. This is mandatory.



    Parents, it is the school's responsibility to make sure your child(ren) has the accurate bus information. This will be done once the child has been registered. Parents, it is your responsibility to make sure your child knows how he or she is getting home, whether it is on the bus, walker, or car rider. 


    Behavior Policy

    Each teacher is required to have a behavior policy. Below is the itemized 7 Steps Behavior PolicyThis will be used as an intervention for students to correct their own behavior.     


            7 Step Policy

    • Nonverbal Warning – eye contact
    • Verbal Warning
    • Close proximity to teacher
    • Redirect behavior & a note home
    • Time out - IN classroom
    • Time out - OUT of classroom to another classroom ( 5 minutes)
    • Office Referral

    Homework Policy

    Homework will be sent home nightly stapled to students' agenda. All homework is done on one sheet of paper each night. Your child will get 25 points per day (Mon-Thurs) which will be calculated into a weekly grade for homework completion on Friday. Each day there is no submission of homework, the student will not receive any points. Parents are to preview and provide assistance with their child's homework and sign in the agenda indicating that their child has completed homework.