• Standards-Based Report Cards

    What is the purpose of a standards-based report card?

    The purpose of the new reporting system is to provide parents, teachers, and students with more accurate information about students' progress toward meeting standards.  Parents will be more aware of what their children should know and be able to do by the end of each grading period.  

    How is progress measured?

    The new report card for grades K-3 will include a grading scale (1-4)

    • 1- Beginning Learner 
    • 2-Developing Learner 
    • 3-Proficient Learner 
    • 4-Distinguished Learner 
    • If an indicator is not measured during the grading period, the student will NOT receive a mark on the report card.

    How are standards-based report cards different from the traditional report cards?

    On traditional report cards, students receive one grade for each subject.  On a standards-based report card, each of the subject areas is divided into a list of skills and knowledge indicators that students are learning.


    Click here for an example of this year's report card!


    Infinite Campus:

    The Infininte Campus Parent Portal allows you to stay up-to-date on your child's progress in school.  Go to www.rcboe.org and find "Parent,"  then click "Infininte Campus Parent Portal."  Enter your child's social security number and birthday.  This will give you the key needed to set up a username and password.  If Mom and Dad are listed, the system defaults to Dad.