Mrs. Cooks' Smart Cookies
Summer Learning Resources 2020Please allow your child to complete some of these summer resources by clicking the link below: Happy Summer!May 4-8, 2020 *last week of lessons * May 22-last day to turn in assignmentsGood Monday Families:Spelling City, May Newsletter (Thanks for all of Olivier's Birthday Wishes), Field Day info is on the way! No HW Sheet this week!Here are your lessons for the last week of Distance Learning! Spanish Zoom information for Tuesday, May 5th below. Art is below as well.Monday-Tuesday Brainpopjr videos, assignments and quizzes:ELA-Writing a Paragraph-Writing with the SensesMath-Plane Shapes-Solid ShapesScience-Solids, Liquids, Gases-Changing States of MatterHealth-Mindfulness-DeterminationSocial Studies-13 Colonies-US SymbolsWednesday-Thursday **Prepare for Field Day FridayELAShort StoryMathCongruent & Similar ShapesPatternsSlides, Turns and FlipsScienceSink or FloatHealthWashing HandsSocial StudiesLocal And State GovernmentBranches of GovernmentFun FridayMovie of the WeekCaring for PetsMammals, FishReading MapsSummerStudents may complete the activities and games of choice then do quizzes.Spelling City- ShapesField Day FridayGood Morning Parents:Please find your Spanish Zoom information below. Have a great day!Your Child's Teacher,Mrs. Cooks-CTW -Change The World!
Subject: Spanish Zoom for May 5HolaOur last zoom for the school year is on Tuesday 5 Mayo.Make a fun Pinata to show during our zoom.See you thenVelia Rosario is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: cinco de mayo celebrationTime: May 5, 2020 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom Meeting ID: 786 8010 3230Password: elementarySeñora V. Gail Rosario Fitzpatrick C.T. Walker Spanish Teacher There are Hundreds of Languages around the world but a smile speaks them all
Mission Statement
Building a world-class school system through education, collaboration, and innovation.
Vision Statement
The Richmond County School System will create a world-class, globally competitive school system where all students will graduate and are college/career ready.
Good Morning Wildcats,This will be our last posted art lesson. I will be accepting artwork until the end of school, but no new lessons will be sent out after this one. So, I want everyone to get creative and have fun 😎!!- Watch one of the videos
- Follow along and make your drawing
- Add background and 3-5 extra details to make this picture your unique artwork.
- Send a photo back to me
- If you want to create a different picture you may, please still send in your work so I can see all that you are creating!
Today, Hadley and I are learning how to draw a hot air balloon with a puppy! We've done this lesson before, but it was live and had a cat inside. We hope you...youtu.beLearn how to draw an awesome knight in shining armor! #stayhome and draw #withme Join our monthly membership and download our app! You can watch our lessons
How to draw a cartoon castle - in easy steps for children, kids, beginners Step by step.lesson.Tutorial of drawing technique . Drawing tutorial,Art Tutorial ...youtu.beLAST WEEKGood Morning! : SPANISH AND ART LESSONS BELOWThe HW Menu and Newsletter are posted on my teacher Page in the Homework Section The other assignments are in the Distance Learning Section. I will add Enrichments Lessons as they come.All assignments are through Brainpopjr and Spelling City. Brainpopjr U-CreativeCrusaders P-cookies1Complete all activities except for the game because it needs Adobe Flash PlayerMonday-Tuesday Assignments:English Language Arts (ELA)- Facts and Opinion Brainpopjr Video- Stop and take notes to define facts, opinion etc. complete activities: Word Play, Draw About It, Write About It, Activity, Belly-Up, Talk About It and Pop-A-Joke Easy and Hard Quizzes(this goes for all video lessons) Thank you!- Listening & Speaking VideoMath*Saving & Spending Video (complete activities and quizzes)*Equivalent CoinsSocial Studies*Landforms Video (complete activities and quizzes)*ContinentsScience*Natural Resources Video (complete activities and quizzes)*Water CycleWednesday-ThursdayELA*Write About YourselfWednesday Zoom Meeting at 11am! See instructions below.Math*Making Change Under A Dollar*One HundredSocial Studies*Bodies of WaterScience*Washing HandsYour Child's Teacher,Mrs. Cooks-CTW -Change The World!Hello
Here is the Zoom information for this week's elementary event. I had some parents express that they work during the morning zoom so I have added an afternoon option for those students who cannot attend the morning one.A reminder for parents: The pasaporte assignment does not have to be turned in.ENJOY THE JOURNEY TO SOUTH AMERICAAll Live Event information will be posted on TEAMS:
Teams links can be found in Distance learning March
Velia Rosario is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Elementary week 6Time: Apr 29, 2020 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)Every week on Wed, until May 6, 2020, 2 occurrence(s)Apr 29, 2020 11:00 AMMay 6, 2020 11:00 AMPlease download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.Weekly: Zoom Meeting ID: 764 1826 8015Password: ElementaryVelia Rosario is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Elementary week 6 (PM meeting)Time: Apr 29, 2020 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom Meeting ID: 767 0350 5893Password: elementaryCombined Elementary Live Event
Kindergarten/First Grade/Second Grade
Live Event: Every Wednesday 11:00
Señora V. Gail Rosario Fitzpatrick C.T. Walker Spanish Teacher There are Hundreds of Languages around the world but a smile speaks them all
Hello Wildcats:I have LOVED seeing all the amazing creations and artwork! Keep those pictures coming!Another couple Art Videos to try.- Watch the videos
- Draw your picture
- Add color and your own details 😎
- Send it to my email
- Go to my school Webpage and see all the WILDCAT ARTWORK!
Learn how to draw a Mothers Day folding surprise! This is a fun art project that you can turn into a homemade card for your mom! #howtodraw #artforkidshub 🎨
Learn how to draw a cute cartoon corgi! Parents, post a photo of your child's artwork to Instagram and use the tags @artforkidshub and #afkhchallenge! 🎨 ART
*LAST WEEKThursday, April 23, 2020* Good Morning, I assigned a Money Brainpopjr without telling you which movies to watch: Money: Dollars and Cents and Counting Coins- please do the activities, quizzes then email me your child's quiz results.April 20, 2020Here is another art lesson for the week. Please send any questions, concerns and assignments to the respective Enrichment Teachers at their request. Thank you!Your Child's Teacher,Mrs. Cooks-CTW -Change The World!Hello Everyone!Here is another Art Lesson you can work on this week...Add your own background. Be Creative and use your Imagination! ❤️- After you draw the picture you may color it using Markers, Crayons, Colored Pencil or Watercolors!
- Send ME a photo of your finished artwork
- Don't forget to have your name and homeroom on the email.
Learn how to draw a guinea pig! Become an Art Club member Learn more about the art supplies we love to use https...youtu.beGood Morning, It's Marvelous Monday!Here are your assignments for the week of April 20-24:Brainpopjr:M-TContractions video, games, activities, print and send easy & hard quizzesMath Videos- Pictographs & Tally Charts & Bar Graphs- games, activities of choice, email easy & hard quiz resultsScience- Light - Activities: word play, write about it, draw about it, pop a joke, easy and hard quizzes (print and send)Social Studies Weekly- Week #19 Work/Brainpopjr. Videos Community Helpers, games, quizzes (print and send quizzes)Happy Earth Day: Wear a shirt that respects our Earth!WEDNESDAY, April 22 IS EARTH DAY! (Brainpopjr video -Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, do word play, talk about it, draw about it, write about it, pop a joke*Write a persuasive paragraph (4 sentences) as to why we should reduce, reuse and recycle. Remember to focus on proper punctuation, capitalization and beginnings and endings of sentences. Please turn in the Persuasive Paragraph.*MyOn - books to read and record on April Reading Log ( go to MyOn through Launchpad)- I Can Reuse & Recycle-Time to Recycle-A Recycled Art MissionW-ThMath-Money Brainpopjr.Social Studies Weekly- Week #20 Money Brainopopjr. Videos: Good & Services, Saving & Spending do games then easy and hard quizzes (print and send quizzes)Finish up Friday- complete any assignments todayRemember and record Brainpopjr. Username: CreativeCrusaders and Password: cookies1( I have to call Spelling City again to get some clarification on spelling lists, please go to: Contractions Spelling List for this week, checking on assignments)Your Child's Teacher,Mrs. Cooks-CTW -Change The WorldBrainpopjr username: CreativeCrusaders password: cookies1_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Storytime with Mrs. Cooks of April 14, 2020Click the link below for: A Child's Calendar! this one doesn't open up, go to the blue link up top or use the email.GUIDANCE:ART:
Welcome Back!Here is an art project for this week.- Choose one of the Videos or do both together.
- Watch the video and draw along...remember you can pause the video and replay parts if it is going to quickly.
- You can draw in pencil first and then outline to make the shapes POP.
- Please add background if you want and color your drawing. It is your choice: crayon, colored pencils, markers, construction paper or even watercolors 🙂
- This can also be a wonderful picture for Mother's Day❤️
PLEASE SEND ME A PHOTO OF THE FINISHED ARTWORK WITH YOUR STUDENT'S NAME AND will be posts these to my webpage, there is a Wildcat Distance Learning Photo Gallery.
Learn how to draw the tulip emoji! 🎨 ART SUPPLIES we love 📺 SUBSCRIBE to our channel here
Happy Monday art friends! We love you all! Today we're drawing a cute cartoon butterfly for my cousin Peyton. EMAIL A PHOTO OF YOUR ART: myart@artforkidshub....youtu.beHolaI hope you are all well I was not sure who was the lead on your teams, so I selected you guys as the lead. lolplease fw this to your grade teammates:Spanish assignments are on my webpage: Zoom meetings will be announced on Teams for safety reasons I will only post-meeting ID and password on that site. If you do not have access to that site please email me 24 hours before your assigned Zoom meeting and I will share the information needed to attend the meeting. Please make sure that the named used to sign in matches your child's name so I can admit you to the meeting. If I do not recognize the name I cannot let you in.The weekly assignment will be on my site with an instructional video. If you are unable to print please just draw the pages :- The pasaporte: the passport can be drawn
- The country fact sheet can also be drawn
All Meetings will always be on Wednesday morning.Kindergarten Live Event: Every Wednesday 10:00
First Grade Live Event: Every Wednesday 11:00
Second Grade Live Event: Every Wednesday 11:30
The lesson will be based on the video they were assigned. I will extend the video that I posted this week for next week's assignment, this will enable your child to watch the video and complete some of the assignments since this was a short week.Thank You so muchMuchas GraciasSeñora V. Gail Rosario Fitzpatrick C.T. Walker Spanish Teacher There are Hundreds of Languages around the world but a smile speaks them all -Story Time with Mrs. Cooks/April FoolHappy Fun Friday! Today's lesson is to review lessons from the week and finish up anything that was incomplete. If you haven't sent in your book report on: Do Unto Otters or your biography on a woman, please email those to me today. One more email will be sent today!Smart Cookies Storytime: Where the Wild Things AreDear Families,Welcome to the new normal! Let's work together to keep our children learning! I sent home the packets on Monday. Ttihey should be done at a pace of a lesson per day in Math, Social Studies and Science and Language Arts, one Comprehension assignment and 1 other ELA assignment. The homework and newsletters were already copied so they should be completed as usual throughout the week. You can use the skeleton for other words next week if you'd like. You may have fewer distractions at home and may complete assignments sooner than we would at school. Continue reading with your child and record on your reading log. Create a new one on paper for April if we're out.I cannot go to the building to get more instructional materials so, I'll do everything electronically and check in. I thought of some additional things they can do to teach you what we do in class so we feel somewhat connected. It is our morning routine, you start by saying these things and they should be able to finish them:"Classroom Rules" (they should state our rules)January, February,March (they should sing our calendar song)Yesterday was...(they should tell you by looking at a calendar)30 Days ( they should complete the poem)Money Song (they should sing the money song)*Pull out some coins to do this; one of each: penny, nickel, dime, quarter, half dollar, dollar coin and say: " What coin is this, ask its value, who's on the front, what's on the back, how many nickels in a dime, how many pennies in a nickel, how many pennies and nickels in a dime, quarter etc."Short Vowels ready go!" (a as in apple cat)and so on then you say "Long Vowels ready we're not ready go! (a as in acorn cake)Sounds: a, as in tasting medicine, eh as in Grandma can't hear you, i, as in the stinky dog ran up to you, o, open your mouth and say ahhh when the doctor puts a tongue depressor in your mouth and uh, as the boy forgot the message he was given on the phone. ( I describe the pictures that are in my room for them to make the sounds) This is long, you may want to print it out.Now it's time to Retrain Your Brain: We're not going to say I can't do it we're going to say, I can't do it yet... and so on, they should be able to say all 5 or 6 of them for you. I'd also like to share the THINK Pad for conflict resolution:T - is it true?H- is it helpful?I- is it inspiring?N- is it necessary?K- is it kind?Review these each morning to start the workday as we do in class.Good Luck, I will also send some things that were sent to me to help from Sadlier (Fab Vocab) and the Guidance Dept.Your Child's Teacher,Mrs. Cooks-CTW -Change The World!Please find the link to the Feelings Chart below.Thursday, March 19, 2020
As stated in the email, please allow your child to go to rcsslaunchpad to access: iReady, Social Studies Weekly, MyOn (read books online), Pearson Easy Bridge (our math series, we are on Topic 13 Time), (ED)Georgia Science (Living Things, there's a panda on the front, have your child take the test when done with the lessons) and First in Math. Go to Storyline online to hear stories read by famous people, we've done that in class but it is not on launchpad, you can google it. I hope these are helpful to all of the children in your home! Learning can be fun!Click on the Computer Science link from their Computer Science Teacher. They visit with her every other Thursday!Computer Science AssignmentSpanish Assignment