2024 - 2025 Enhanced Algebra Overview - Richmond County School System
In this course, students will create, interpret, solve, and graph linear equations and inequalities in one variable and nonlinear (quadratic and exponential) equations and functions. Students will interpret quadratic and exponential expressions. Students will continue to enhance their algebraic reasoning skills when analyzing and applying a deep understanding of systems of linear inequalities and sums and products of rational and irrational numbers. Students will apply their algebraic and geometric reasoning skills to make sense of problems involving distance, midpoint, slope, area, perimeter, and statistical reasoning.
Enhanced Algebra Units of Study and Big Ideas:
I. Modeling Linear Relationships and Functions
Create, solve, graph, and explore linear equations and inequalities
Mathematical Modeling
II. Analyzing Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities
Systems of Equations and Inequalities
Mathematical Modeling
III. Investigating Rational and Irrational Numbers
Rational and Irrational Numbers
Scientific Notation
Mathematical Modeling
IV. Modeling and Analyzing Quadratic Functions
Quadratic Functions
Mathematical Modeling
V. Modeling and Analyzing Exponential Expressions, Equations, and Functions
Exponential Expressions
Exponential Functions
Mathematical Modeling
VI. Investigating Data and Statistical Reasoning
Data Distribution
Line of Best Fit
VII. Algebraic Connections of Geometric Concepts
Pythagorean Theorem
Units of Measure
Volume of Cones
Volume of Cylinders
Volume of Spheres
2024 - 2025 Remind Information!
2023-2024 MATH with Moss Remind Information
Text: 81010 Text Message: @24mathmoss
PLEASE NOTE: IF STUDENTS ARE ABSENT, ALL WORK FOR THE COURSE CAN BE FOUND VIA CANVAS. If a student does not have computer access at home, the parent/student should contact me for a printed copy.
**Due to the events of Hurricane Helene and the recent snow storm, the pace for the year has been completely off. We will work through Unit 2, combine Unit 3 into scaffolding with unit 4. And push through with unit 5, combining Units 6 and 7.**