• What is the Canvas Parent App? 
      Canvas Parent
      According to the online Canvas Guides:
      Canvas Parent enhances the potential for parents to engage in their children's education. Parents can review upcoming or past assignments, check on grades, and receive alerts for student activity.  Canvas Parent can be used by any Canvas user with an observer account.  Parents can use the Canvas Parent app on Android devices using Android 5.0 or later and iOS devices using iOS 10.0 or later.


      To start using the Canvas Parent app:


      1.  You'll first need to register for a parent account as an observer.  If you have not already registered for an account, please click the How to Register for a Canvas Parent Account link.


      2.  Visit the app store for your device (available for Android 5.0 or later and iOS 10.0 or later).  Search for Canvas Parent and it should come up in your app store search results (look for the blue Canvas logo like you see in the image at the top of this page).


      3.  Once you've downloaded the app, you will need to go through the brief setup.  Follow the steps in the screenshots below to set up the app:

      Step 1 Step 2  Step 3


      Here is a great video that will show you more about how you can use the Canvas Parent app to support your scholar(s)!

      For more information about the Canvas Parent app, visit the Canvas Guides by clicking here:

      Canvas Guides: What is the Canvas Parent App?