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Dr. Leslie Wiggins StarksEmail: starkle@boe.richmond.k12.ga.usGrade(s): Grade Chair-2ndSubject(s): All
School Supply List
- Book bag (no rolling book bags)
- 1 Large Zipper pouch (no school boxes)
- 1 Blue pocket folder with prongs for homework
- 3 boxes of crayons (1 for the beginning, middle, & end of the year)
- 3 packs of 24 count #2 pencils (additional pencils may be needed throughout the year)
- 1 pair of scissors (round tip)
- 7 composition notebooks (no wires) Needed for STEM classes, Science, Math, ELA, Morning work and Writing
- 3 packages of wide ruled paper (more may be needed throughout the year)
- 12 glue sticks (No bottled glue)
- 3 packages cap erasers or large erasers
- 2 boxes of tissue (additional may be needed throughout the year)
- 1 large size container of hand sanitizer
- Pack of EXPO dry erase markers
- Ear buds or headphones needed for computer time (Needed for sanitary purposes)