• Special Education

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: How will students with an Individual Education Program (IEP) receive services?

    A: Students with IEPs will be provided with distance learning opportunities. Your child’s school should have provided information regarding Distance Learning during this time. Parents should contact the teacher if they have any questions.


    Q: If I don’t hear from my child’s teacher, how can I contact them?

    A: You can contact your teacher through the school website or via email. Teacher contact information may be found on each school’s individual website, under Staff and Departments. If you need additional assistance you can email distancelearning@rcboe.org.


    Q: If my child regresses due to the school closure what will the School System do?

    A: Once the School System reopens the IEP team can convene to document and determine the student’s present level of performance. The team may develop or revise, if necessary, the student’s individualized plan to address academic progress.


    Q: What can my child do to address Speech/Language goals?

    A: Families can support their students with speech and language goals by reading stories to younger children, engaging in conversations to provide models of language, provide opportunities to label and explain what they see are a few suggestions. Additional resources can be located on the Richmond County School System’s website as well at the following link: Speech/Language Resources


    Q: What can my child do to address motor needs?

    A: Activities to address motor needs will be posted on the Distance Learning website for Special Education at the following link: Occupational Therapy Resources.



    Q: Will my child continue to receive Hospital/Homebound (HHB) or Alternate Educational Setting (AES) services?

    A: At the present time, the School System is not providing services in the home, community or hospital settings due to the rapid spread of COVID-19. Services missed will be made up when the School System resumes normal operation.


    Special Education Services (Parent Communication doc.)

    Parent communication