Degrees and Certifications:
Classroom Supplies
2021-2023 School Supply list for Mrs. Butler’s 1st Grade Class
First Grade Supply List
- 1 pencil pouch
- 1 Composition Notebook
- 1 1' Binder
- 3 plastic 3-prong folders
- Crayons
- Pencils
- 1 pair of scissors (round tip)
- Glue sticks (No bottled glue)
- Cap erasers or large erasers
- Pack of dry-erase markers with eraser
- Headphones (to be kept at school)
- Ziploc bags (gallon and sandwich)
- Copy paper (1 pack white and 1 pack colorful)
- Boxes of tissue
- Hand sanitizer
- Lysol Wipes or Spray
- Roll of paper towels
If you would like to send in any extras for students who may not have anything, it will greatly help the teachers out! You do not need to label these.
We can always (but especially this year) use extra hand sanitizer and cleaning supplies in general.
Thank you!
First Grade Teachers
Classroom Wishlist:
Must Know Items for 2023-2024
· Water bottles are highly recommended. Please do not put them in the freezer because the condensation causes water to pool on desks. Students may only have clear water to drink in the classroom.
· All students will have a yellow vinyl folder for homework, school notices, and parent-teacher communication.
· ClassDojo is the preferred means of communication between teacher and home.
· Please make excellent school attendance a top priority! Students with better attendance records make greater academic gains. However, never send your child to school with a fever. Children need to be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school. Always write an excuse for your child’s absence and send it in the blue folder. If your child or someone within your household is positive for COVID-19, please call the school nurse to inform her.
· Breakfast time is 6:45-7:15; students may enter the classroom after they finish eating.
· Class begins at 7:30. Students arriving at 7:31 or later are marked tardy.
· Dismissal begins at 2:10 p.m.
· School phone number: (706) 796-4918
· Teacher email: