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  • Math Club


    Elementary Math Club


    Students will compete weekly to earn points for a chance to earn a spot on the competition team.


    Students in the Math Club must know all multiplication facts up to 12, multiple ways to make 24 using all major math operations, and score a Proficient or Distinguished on the Georgia Milestones the previous year.


    Sponsors: Theresa Thompson

    Grades: 4th and 5th


    Fees: $20 to cover cost of t-shirt and celebrations in December and May


    Meeting Day: Mondays 3:30-4:30 starting the 1st week of October after tryouts on September 23th, 2019 



    Contact:Theresa Thompson
    Grade(s): 5th

     Middle School Math Team 


    To develop a competition team of Mathletes who compete against other local schools in solving challenging problems in mathematics. Math Team is an excellent opportunity to study mathematic topics that are not always encountered in the classroom and to build one’s skills in mathematics and problem solving.


    Sponsor: Corliss Simmons


    Grades: 6-8th


    Fees/Requirements: Complete interest form available from Mrs. Thompson or Mrs. Simmons. 20 for Money for competition shirt and parties.


    Meeting Dates: Mondays from 3:30-4:30 beginning in first week in October  and ending in March



  • We will be having a holiday celebration on Monday December 16th from 3:45 to 4:30. Please bring any of the below items that you can bring for the celebration. We have approximately 30 students. We will be ordering pizza from our math club account. If you have not donated the 20 dollars for the year, please do so ASAP so we can order our t-shirts and have 2 more celebrations for the remainder of the year. Please email me and let me know what you're are bringing so we can have a variety of things. If we have an abundance of the same items, I will let your child know that they will need to choose another item to bring. 


    Thank you 

    Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Simmons

    veggie tray

    meat tray

    fruit tray 




    paper plates


    capri suns 


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