Spelling Training (Word Reading and Spelling Practice)
Practice your current spelling words on at least 1 game each day.
RCSS LaunchPad for i-Ready (Reading and Math Practice)
Complete at least 1 lesson in i-Ready Reading each day.
Complete at least 1 lesson in i-Ready Math each day.
RCSS LaunchPad for First In Math (Math Practice)
Complete at least 1 Practice Gym or play at least 1 math game of your choice each day.
RCSS LaunchPad for Science (Georgia Science)
Choose a topic and enjoy learning about it.
RCSS LaunchPad for Social Studies (Studies Weekly)
Choose a topic and enjoy learning about it.
ReadWorks (Reading Comprehension Practice)
Choose a topic, and enjoy reading about it.
How Much? How Many? (Math Game)
Hone your math skills (chart and graph reading, greater than, less than, addition, subtraction) all in one game.
NumTanga Junior! (Math Game)
Test your subitizing skills using numerals, ten frames, fingers, units, and rods.
NumTanga! (Math Game)
Test your math matching skills with numbers to 100, Money, Fractions, and Measurement
Coin Bubble (Math Game)
Practice counting your coins and making equivalent exchanges to make the bubble burst.
Place Value Whole Numbers (Math Game)
Prove your understanding of place value (hundreds, tens, and ones).
Math Limbo (Math Game)
Think fast! Add to find the sum, then decompose the sum using one or two numbers.
Ten Frame Mania (Math Game)
Counting by ones is a breeze, right? Show every number on the ten frame before a ball makes it through the maze.
Kakooma (Math Game)
Hone your mental math skills by clicking on the number that is the sum of two other numbers in a grid to solve the puzzle.
BrainPOP Jr. (Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Social Studies, Health, Arts and Technology Practice)
Choose a topic from any subject and watch a movie about it. Test your understanding of the topic by taking a hard quiz, taking an easy quiz, wtiting about it, etc.
PBS Kids
Get smarter with Sid the Science Kid, The Cat in the Hat, WordGirl, Arthur and the rest of the gang at PBS Kids.
ABCya (Educational Games)
Search for games based on Common Core Standards in ABCya:
Click Grade 1 Common Core Standards / Choose a subject / Choose a standard (skill) / Play a game to hone that skill
Play the FREE games to see if you like them. The games that are available for FREE are short, but they will help you hone your skills.