2024-2025 Discipline Plan

  • Classroom Discipline Plan


    Ms. Jacobs and Ms. Boatwright


    The Room of L.O.V.E.


    (Learning, Opportunities, Values and Enhancements)

    Dear Parents:


    To provide all students with the excellent educational environment they deserve, I am utilizing the following classroom discipline plan.  This plan will always be in effect in the classroom.  It is our sincere desire that all students obey the rules so that everyone will have an opportunity to learn in a positive and structured environment.



    1. Respect your classmates.  Treat them with kindness in your words and actions.
    2. Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.
    3. Follow directions the first time given.
    4. Raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking.
    5. Be quiet in lines, hallways, and restrooms.
    6. When the teacher is talking, be quiet and listen.
    7. All assignments and homework will be completed on time.


    Consequences: These remain consistent and start fresh weekly.

              Once: Warning

              Twice: Class Dojo points/spotlight points

               Three Times: Silent lunch/Recess

              Move Clip Four Times: Note Home, Phone call, Text message to parent(s)

              Move Clip Five Times: Principal’s Office


    SEVERE DISRUPTION:  If the student chooses to fight, defy the adult in charge, or use inappropriate language, he/she will be sent directly to the principal’s office and forego the five tries.


    It is in your child’s best interest that we work together on his/her behavior.  Please review this plan with your child, and we will go over the plan together in detail in class.  We look forward to an excellent year of learning with your help and support!  Please sign and return the bottom portion of this page.


    I have read and gone over this plan with my child.

    Parent Signature: ________________ Student Signature: ______________